How I Maintained our body
Some Key Habits to Maintain Your Weight Loss
Losing weight is no easy task, but
maintaining a trim body often presents a new set of difficulties that leads
many dieters to regain their lost weight. The key to
maintaining your weight is adopting healthy lifestyle habits that are repeated
day in and day out.
Keeping extra weight
off requires effort and commitment thought future habits exercise
and state of mind. These five tips will
help you maintain, and keep pursuing new challenges to improve your health and
Stop more Sleeping
If you suffer from a lack of sleep,
your body cannot maintain a regular appetite and eating schedule.
Your hormones become imbalanced,
your hunger and decreasing the production of Leptin, which suppresses
appetite. If you regularly sleep less
than seven hours a night, studies show that you may be as much as 30 percent
more likely to be obese than those who sleep nine hours or more.
Avoid watching television or
bringing unfinished work in your bedroom, and keep your sleeping environment
cool, dark and quiet in order to get the best quality sleep. it is most important.
Finally, if you want to maintain your
weight loss, you must stay active and accountable for continuing to live a
healthy lifestyle. It must be important.